Sunday, July 4, 2021

Yay, it's the 4th of July.

I tend to keep my mouth shut about national holidays. Occasionally i think of something i can say in polite conversation, but this one is too much.

Today, as we celebrate our Nation's ethically questionable war against the British Government, which we then turned around and reconstructed with different names for things, i'd like to take this opportunity to point out that half of you have spent the last year or so pointing out at every opportunity that our current President of the Senate did not earn that position with her professional performance as a lawyer, then Federal Prosecutor, then Senator, but instead achieved high public office by fellating men with lots of money and political power. So, as you bite into that German sausage grilled to perfection with any number of delicious condiments slathered on top, remember that you could be sucking dick for a promotion instead. You can only go as far as your own ambition, right?